anti-muslim establishments : |
Dissuading from seeking wealth and power :
In most of the speeches made by the Jamaa'ath’s speakers, they repeatedly say : "Nothing is achieved with money, Nothing is achieved with government." ("Paison se kuch nahin hota, hukoomath se kuch nahin hota") ; then they say: "Whatever is done is done by Allaah." ("Sab kuch karnay wali zaat Allaah ki hai".) Here, they cleverly set these things - money and government - against Allaah, whereas seeking or using these things do not constitute an act against Allaah. Allaah himself has repeatedly directed us in the Qur-aan to seek His bounty and to govern according to His book.
Of Qaaroon, of the times of Moses (peace be upon him), Allaah says in Qur-aan that He bestowed him with such treasures that their very keys would have been a burden to a body of strong men. What was the advice to Qaaroon about his wealth? Was he told to dump it all in the sea? No. He was told to seek the Home of the Hereafter with which Allaah has bestowed on him and not to forget his portion in this world ; but do good, as Allaah has been good to him, and not seek to do mischief in the land ; for Allaah loves not those who do mischief. (Surah Al-Qasas 76, 77).
Of government, in three verses (No. 44, 45 & 47) of Surah Al-Maaidah, Allaah calls those who do not rule by the book revealed to them, as: 1) unbelievers, 2) wrongdoers and 3) rebels.
The speakers of the Jamaa'ath thus unfairly set these two means - wealth and power - which could be utilized for the betterment of one's Aakhirah, the hereafter, against Allaah when they say: "Nothing is achieved with money, Nothing is achieved with government. Whatever is done is done by Allaah." The hearer gets the impression that attempting to obtain wealth or government is like attempting to overlook Allaah and is thus dissuaded from pursuing these things.
Curtailing the population growth
The growth in population of the Muslims is sought to be curtailed by keeping the husbands away from the wives. Apart from the 20% of the nights he is away on the 40 days-in-year (11%) and 3 days-in-a-month (9%) routine, the members are also required to spend one night of each week in the ‘markaz’ of the halqah (circle). This adds up another 12 to 13% of the nights he is kept away from his family. The total percentage comes to 50%, when we add up the requirement to keep away when the wives are unclean. Apart from this forced separation, the book read by them daily, encourages smaller families.
Reducing the Muslim population :
Their attempts to make Muslims economically weak or the attempts to check the population growth may or may not have succeeded to the extent they desire. But one thing we have to be extremely careful is about their plans to effect a reduction of the Muslim population, through nefarious designs.
Haphazard Activities :
Before enumerating their designs to effect a reduction of the Muslim population, I would like to draw your attention to how the various types of groups of the Ummah are operating in a haphazard manner claiming to serve the Ummah. You may ask: "What is the benchmark for determining whether or not the groups of the Ummah are operating in a haphazard manner?" The benchmark is : The life sketch of our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). Allaah tells us in Surah Al-Ahzaab : 21 : "You indeed have in the messenger of Allaah a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in Allaah and the Final Day and who engages much in the remembrance of Allaah."
Broad life sketch of our prophet.
The life sketch of our prophet is very clear in the matter of priorities and the various stages of his activities / mission are very well spaced :
Our compartmentalized groups.
Today, our compartmentalized groups carry out all the various stages of the prophet's life simultaneously but each group carries out exclusively one aspect in isolation, without regard to the priorities and without a central command or co-ordination.
The hypocrites' role in Engineered Conflicts.
In areas of conflict, there is always a multiplicity of Muslim organizations fighting the projected enemy. They are not under one command but represent their various sponsors who are differentiated by nationality, sect or their different objectives and interests in the conflict.
Among them there are the hypocrites. A study of the Qur-aanic verses would show that even the days of our prophet were not free from hypocrites. How should we not, then, be careful about and look for possible hypocrites among us, specially in the risky field of Jihaad. They were there, and they will always be there, to spy for our enemies, to cause dissension in our ranks, to discourage us and defeat us in the task at hand.
Most of these conflicts taking place in the name of 'Jihaad' are ‘insincere’ or ‘engineered’ conflicts. By this, I mean such conflicts which are devised for the sole purpose of involving Muslims in it and keep it alive for years together.
Sowing and reaping
Many years ago, while on a visit to Singapore, I was coming out of a mosque after the prayers, where a Pakistani Tableegh Jamaa'ath group had delivered a bayaan (discourse). While I was waiting at the pedestrian crossing for the signal to go green, I noticed a person trying to greet me. He appeared similar to those people of the Jamaa'ath in the mosque. We started to enquire about each other and as the signal turned green, the other person suggested that we sit for a while and talk.
After the pleasantries, he broached the subject of Afghanistan. He said it is good the country was liberated from Russia. In reply, I asked him why after such a long and arduous struggle, the mujahideen were fighting amongst themselves. He told me: "It was a mistake to have included all kinds of elements in the struggle, some of whom are now promoting infighting between brothers. But you are concentrating just on the mole in the face. While the whole face is good, you talk only about a blemish in it. In almost all the districts, there is complete peace and the Shariah is practised. You are referring only about Kabul and a couple of other districts ; and what source you have to know about Afghanistan except the western TV or news media. We can now get in that country training for warfare. After getting the training, there will be no compulsion that you should go to Bosnia or such places for fighting. You can go back home and remain there. Tomorrow, if the necessity arises, you should not regret for not knowing a thing about warfare."
I asked him whether he had undergone such training. He said : "No. But my brothers back home have got the training."
I asked him : "What about the people of the Tableegh Jamaa'ath? What do they say about such things?" I wanted to know this because in those days I was sympathetic with the work of Tableegh Jamaa'ath and needed to know their thinking. He said : "What would they say? Those people sow the seeds and we reap the harvest." I departed saying that I will go back home and think about it.
Much of the regard I had for him evaporated when he said that he himself
hasn’t got the training, in spite of the fact that his country lies in
the neighbourhood of Afghanistan. And he expects me to go to a distant
country at his suggestion. His concluding words, however, made a lasting
impression : " Those people sow the seeds and we reap the harvest."
Being a sympathizer of Tableegh Jamaa'ath, I marvelled at the wonderful system, which, according to my thought, Allaah taught these people. One Jamaa'ath arouses the eemaan (faith) of the Muslims openly, for non-combat activities and another secretly takes them to the field of Jihaad. In a non-Muslim country, if the same organization were to do both the things, it will be banned in no time and every thing will come to a halt. Therefore, the first Jamaa'ath keep its activities going without any interruption, by avoiding combative work. This enables the other organization to select suitable persons from the public, who would be willing to participate in Jihaad, instead of trying futilely to enlist totally uninitiated people.
Years later, after having understood that this Jamaa'ath is actually engaged in anti-deen and anti-muslim work, now I know the real meaning of that statement : "The Tableegh Jamaa'ath identifies the mu'mineen and, therefore, the prospective mujaahids, who would respond to a call in the name of Allaah, while the other organizations take them to vain fights and finish them off there." Therefore, the statement : "Those people sow the seeds and we reap the harvest" really means : "Those people identify the mu'mineen and we take them to the slaughter-house ".
The right victims.
The members of the Tableegh Jamaa'ath, having been brain washed with narratives of Jihaad carried out by the prophet and his companions and having been told thousands of times : " Deen will advance only with sacrifices." (in Urdu : " Deen sirf qurbaaniyon say aagay badhaygaa.") and having been trained to repeatedly sacrifice the comforts of home, they are the right people to be targeted for calling upon to participate in the engineered Jihaads.
I suspect that dragging believing motivated muslims to these vain conflicts has been going on for quite some years in areas like Pakistan, because 'jihaad' had been going on to its north, in Afghanistan, for nearly a decade and later the Kashmir hostilities to its south.
In India, however, there has been no enlisting to proceed to Jihaad. But since many years, veteran members of the Tableegh Jamaa'ath have been mentally kept prepared and foretold that they would be called upon to participate in Jihaad in the future. This serves to comfort those members who would otherwise feel uneasy about the total absence of any connection or comparison between the struggles of the prophet (and his companions) and the present day flaccid activities carried on by the Jamaa'ath members.
Holes in a mujaahid's speech
From a recording of a speech delivered by a cleric in Pakistan, I came to know that enlisting of Muslims for Jihaad was being carried on there, in an almost similar style like the one of the Tableegh Jamaa'ath (for going out), but only that the speeches are much more passionate. The speech evokes the listeners’ emotions to compelling heights and many could be heard giving their names for Jihaad, on-the-spot.
On careful study, however, I could discern many unacceptable points in the speech :
1. During the speech, the cleric eulogizes the Deoband Madrasah, in Deoband, U.P., India. (This institution supports the Tableegh Jamaa'ath, promotes the Sufi school of thought and the practice of calling the learned aalims "maulaana" was started by this madrasah.)
2. At the end of the speech, the cleric praises the jihaad organization to which he belongs and says that by God’s grace, this organization has Mr. x,y,z as its guardian, who is the best (Islaamic) jurist of present times. This surprised me, because people in the gathering responded to his call realizing the duty they owe to Allaah and in the name of Allaah. Nobody asked whether he belonged to any organization at all and no one seemed to be sensitive to such questions. This uncalled for sectarian promotion of his organization's name alerted me.
The meaning of the Arabic word 'Jihaad' is striving. But most of the time it is used in the meaning of another Arabic word 'Qitaal' meaning fighting, (as also in this article), which, obviously, involves a lot of striving.
'Jihaad' (in the meaning of fighting) is permitted under certain circumstances
and is made compulsory in the circumstances that warrant it.
One of the circumstance that necessitate jihaad is when people are expelled
from their homes for no other reason except that they say: "Our Lord
is Allaah", i.e., just for being a Muslim. That is a totally non-provocative
state, even for which Muslims could suffer persecution at the hands of
For many a decades now, occupation of or incursion into muslim areas by non-muslims has kept the ummah busy vacating these territories. These fights are primarily to regain land. These fights have not come into existence as a result of opposition to da'wah to the non-muslims towards Islam. On the other hand, these are our reactions to the conspiratorial and pre-emptive manoeuvres by the enemies of Islam. And we react to what they want us to react to, where they want us to react to.
The game-plans of our enemies.
In the jihaad in Afghanistan fought by us Muslims in the 1980s, we were actually used as a tool by a powerful non-muslim country to defeat its rival non-muslim country. Arabian countries paid for the weapons which the 'super-power' supplied for the war effort and it was again the Blood of the Muslims alone which the 'super-power' drained to achieve its own objectives.
The Russian intervention and occupation of Afghanistan (1979)
itself was engineered through a ploy by the U.S.A. is revealed by Zbigniew
Brezinski, the National Security Advisor in the administration of President
Carter. He writes : " I wrote a note to the President in which I explained
to him that in my opinion, this aid (to the Mujahideen Movement's birth)
(words in paranthesis mine) would result in military intervention
by the Soviets ...... We didn't push the Russians to intervene, but we
consciously increased the probability that they would do so." (Source:
Frontline Fortnightly, October 13-26, 2001.)
Every common Muslim would be thinking that Russia by itself invaded and occupied Afghanistan. But here, a top official of the U.S.A. discloses that the Russians were instigated to militarily intervene in Afghanistan (so that a proxy war could be launched against it using Muslim blood).
Having thus defeated their main enemy, the Communist U.S.S.R., the western powers turned their attention towards Islam, by targeting Muslim nations, which they considered as an enemy to its perverted values.
In this. their modus-operendi was again manifold, which resulted in a huge financial drain, colossal loss of lives, loss of sovereignty for several Muslim nations and, above all, a psychological despair for the members of the Ummah. They engineered infighting among several Muslim nations and groups and floated and bloated many super-heroes so as to popularize them among the world Muslims and then they themselves pin-pricked the super-heroes to cause despair among Muslims.
All this was done primarily to gain or consolidate their access to and control over certain muslim countries and to weaken certain other muslim countries. These conspiracies also served their basic purpose of providing fodder to the war factories back home, which account for a sizeable protion of their GDP.
The notable among their game-plans are:
1. a) Encouraging Iraq to capture Kuwait, thereby gaining access to Saudi Arabian territories for the declared purpose of liberating Kuwait ; b) Bombarding and damaging Kuwaiti properties and installations on the pretext of liberating it (so as to get contracts for rebuilding them) ; c) Not demolishing the Iraqi leadership even at a time when it was within their easy reach, in order to continue their unholy presence in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. d) Subjecting the Iraqi people to starvation, diseases and poverty utilizing the notional U.N.O. (which I call the Unarmed Notional Organization) sanctions.
2. Approving tacitly the large-scale killing of Muslims, by remaining mute spectators (and keeping the captive U.N.O. silent or dilly-dallying) to the crushing of freedom struggles in Bosnia, Palestine, Chechenya and Kashmir. (The same western nations quickly supported the freedom aspirations of Christian Slovenia and East Timor). Notes : i) Whether these struggles by the muslims aim to establish the deen of Allaah in the land/s they seek to control, is another matter. ii) Whether these struggles in the muslim countries were instigated and sustained by the anti-Muslim establishments themselves is another matter to think about.
3. a) With the help of their ally, Pakistan, they propped up a new militia, Taliban, which was charged with the reponsibility of defeating various Afghan factions which were made to fight among themselves after the defeat of Russia and the fall of the puppet government left behind by it. b) Moreover, the Taliban, after taking control of most of the districts of Afghanistan, were directed to impose a strict Islamic Rule, presumably through the clergy in Pakistan. Although Allaah does require strict justice, their system was such that without educating people about Islamic tenets, the 'shariah' was imposed by force. They thus wrongly enforced the Islamic commands, and its bad results were publicized in the Western media. (This enforcement of Islam, without educating the people, helped these powers to again show Islam in bad light, when the Taliban government was made to crumble and Afghanistan was 'liberated' from Taliban. People were shown charging towards barber shops to shave their beards and to see the movies at the theatres.)
4) In continuation of their efforts to defame Islam and Muslims, a bizarre drama was enacted on September 11, 2001 by crashing three passenger jets on two land-mark buildings in New York. It is not by chance that a fourth plane, said to be headed towards the u.s. president's house crashed into an unpopulated area. (The fact is: The president's residential complex was to be guarded from the slightest inconvenience or threat of damage.) The incidents were blamed on Muslim hijackers.
First of all, we should understand it well that the plane crashing could be achieved without a hijacker. The united states possesses the requisite technology since the 1970s to delink a flying plane's controls away from the pilots' hands ( i.e., in the planes that are manufactured or serviced by them).
After disconnecting the commuications and controls from the pilots' hands using remote devices, the plane could be navigated to hit a target. (Remember, even less powerful countries like India and Pakistan possess unmanned aerial vehicles which spy on the enemy territories and return, all without a pilot.) Hasn't the U.S.A. itself sent unmanned missions to the moon many decades ago? )
c) A fifth passenger jet, perhaps a similarly equipped stand-by plane, was destroyed after taking off from new york airport, within a few days of Sept. 11. All these five aircrafts did not send any distress signal or a hijack alert before crashing.
d) A Saudi official, Prince Naif, reportedly informed that many of the saudi pilots alleged to have hijacked the the crashed planes were alive. Even assuming that they were not found at all, that is not an evidence that proves that they committed the crime. It is a possibility that these unsuspecting pilots were summoned for a secret meeting about a lucrative job the night before the crash and were liquidated. The world, which misses them, will keep believing that these were the persons who crashed the aircrafts. Even their wives would think that their husbands lied about some meeting about a job and committed the horrendous crime and did not take them into confidence. Another possibility is to hand the freshly trained pilots flight-tickets on these planes, calling them to attend an interview at the destination city, so that these ignorant persons board the designated aircrafts. However, keeping in view the fact that the manifests of these planes, published on the internet, show that no muslim boarded the planes, the first scenario seems more probable.
This drama enabled the U.S. and its allies to take control of Pakistan's military facilities, dislodge and defeat those elements in the Taliban government of Afghanistan, who opposed the laying of american gas pipeline into the ocean from Turkmenistan through Afghanistan.
If we study the role of wealthy industrialists in the world wars, it would become clear that the wars were ignited by the political leaders of the western nations, to serve the interests of these industrial empires and all the efforts undertaken by the political leaders roaming around the globe is to appease their masters, on whose pittance they happen to get 'democratically' elected to the seats of power and remain there.
Steps taken by them to diminish the influence of Islam, are again in the same direction of further amassing their stinking riches, since Islam recommends mercy, compassion, justice, straight- forwardness and the spreading of wealth among people and is opposed to
around which the whole Western system revolves. As a side-effect of
the above-cited vices, all kinds of mental and physical diseases arise
and this immensely benefits their huge hospitals and their medicines and
drug industry. Thus, the non-muslim societies, headed by satan-driven powers,
assisted by huge economies, military power, science & technology
and a pervading (mis)information media, want to retain their world supremacy
using all illegitimate means. And in order to prevent Islam from emerging
in its real and full form, they have taken lang ago, proactive pre-emptive
steps to create and sustain such institutions and have installed such governments
in the Islamic world which will fulfil their aspirations while apparently
seeming to serve the cause of Islam and Muslims.
When I say "Islam in its real and full form", it would
send shivers down the spine of many non-muslims. Because they have been
brain-washed and conditioned to believe Islam to be a synonym for terror
and terrorism. Let me make it clear that terrorism - instigated by our
enemies and carried out by our innocent brothers - has no place in Islam.
Taking even one life without justification is like taking all lives. Allaah
says in Qur-aan : "if anyone slew a person - unless it be for murder
or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole
people (5:32 part). Such is the enormity of the sin. This being the
fact, how could killing innocent and unsuspecting men, women and children
will be acceptable to Allaah. We have been told to fight the leaders of
the "kuffaar" - those leading the rejection of the call to submit
to the will of Allaah. In the face of continued repression, persecution,
killing and burning of Muslims in many parts of the world, our learned
'ulemas' keep misleading the ummah saying that because of the trials and
tribulations suffered, Allaah's help is near. They quote the happenings
to the various prophets : Nooh, Ibraheem, Moosa (peace upon all of them)
as to how they were persecuted and then how Allaah's help saved them all.
But there is one thing which they seem to forget is that the persecution
of all of them was preceded by da'wah to believe in Allaah. In these times,
without trying correctly to help the deen of Allaah, we are expecting His
The system left behind by the colonial powers.
In the February 2002 issue of Urdu monthly "Al-Furqaan" its editorial said that though the western colonial powers physically vacated the many Asian and African countries which they ruled, they have left behind them their systems and people - stooges - who see to it that their policies are continued even after their departure. The many fields of life mentioned by the editorial are education, judiciary, administration, etc., but notably the field of religion has not been mentioned by the writer, though he must be surely aware that the control of religious institutions is a top priority item in their agenda.
Our detailed study of the activities of the Tableegh Jamaa'ath amply demonstrated the involvement of an outside hand in controlling the Islamic masses through their hypocritical leaders. Now, we have studied in this chapter that even the so-called 'jihaad' activities of these days can also not be relied upon to be acceptable in the eyes of Allaah, as they are being carried out to serve the purpose of and controlled by our enemies. All this cheating by our enemies was made possible by keeping the Qur-aan and its meaning hidden and away from the Muslim masses.
Hence, let us all strive to seek the knowledge and understanding of Qur-aan, because it is as essential to us as breathing.