I seek refuge with Allaah, from satan the outcast.
In the name of Allaah, the beneficent, the merciful.
The enemies of God's perpetual religion.
Allaah made the mankind to inherit the earth and has been guiding people, through His messengers, into the manner of leading their lives peacefully and successfully. Fourteen centuries ago, when the effect of the teachings of the previous messengers was lost by mankind's misdeeds and the world was groping in darkness, Allaah sent His mercy unto the worlds, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) for the guidance of mankind. The advent of Prophet Muhammad and the guidance brought and demonstrated by him, in the form of Qur-aan, totally transformed the situation and the world received a fresh lease of civilization.
The effect of the advent of the last prophet (peace be upon him) remained in its full splendour for a long period after him. However, the enemies of God's perpetual religion, who have been disobeying, rejecting and slaying God's earlier prophets could not bear to see the success of God's eternal religion renewed through His last prophet. They continued their efforts to destroy the religion and contain its growth, by defaming it and its adherents, just as they had attempted to subvert it during the prophet's lifetime.
While they continue to indulge in open rejection and opposition to this day, they know that in the case of the true religion Islaam, subversion from within pays more dividends than openly clashing with its adherents. To achieve this, they create many divisions or groups and organizations within the Islaamic society.
Defaming Islaam and its adherents.
Hate and anger towards Islaam and Muslims is built up in the following manner:
1. The enemies of Islaam first inflict some injustice upon a Muslim group or country under some pretext, so that :
2. When these innocent and powerless people take some retaliatory steps on their own, or are manipulated into taking some drastic action, it may be publicized out of proportion, while at the same time suppressing and downplaying the original injustice done by these powers. Retaliatory actions unacceptable as per Islaamic ethos, such as attacking innocent people, indulged in by some, might well be the result of conspiracies hatched by the enemies of Islaam.
In this manner, the scheme for preventing Islaam's growth by defaming it has been going on for quite a long time.
Subverting the religion from within :
The boundary less nation of Muslim people - The Muslim Ummah - has been subjected to countless attempts to undermine its unity. New groups are sponsored and created to divide the ummah. These groups, or its hypocritical muslim leaders, start their activities claiming to do some good for the muslims. The work and agenda of some of these misleading groups is well known to most of the Muslims. An example is: The group called Qadiani or Ahmadiya movement.
However, there are some groups which have been successfully winning a large number of members, without its adherents ever realizing that they are being misled. In fact, the followers of each of these groups believe their group to be the best and the only rightly guided group. And they think that they are participating in an excellent job for the improvement of the Muslim nation's piety.
As a result of these divisions within the Ummah, the whole mankind is the net loser both in this world and in the hereafter. The virtuous message brought by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) has already been implemented and demonstrated in action and the world strongly needs the message, the word of Allaah, the wise Qur-aan, and its implementation again.
In spite of being the best nation by virtue of possessing Allaah's words intact in its original form, it is neither benefiting itself nor delivering the benefit to others.
Delivering the message to others will have no significant effect, until the ummah itself does not follow Allaah's book. Many non-muslims will appreciate Islaam's teachings but most of them will also look for an example among the muslims known to them, to see the Islaamic teachings in action.
Such attempts to invite non-muslims towards the virtuous teachings of Islaam, while ignoring the reform of the muslims, is both futile and prohibited, and specified as not sound in logic. Allaah asks :
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So, we first need to correct ourselves, for the sake of our own salvation and to be able to discharge our duty towards (other) people.
Then, what is the way to reform ourselves ? And what is standing in our way ?
Those muslims who are anxious to reform themselves and do some good work towards the Ummah's reform, get absorbed in one of the already existing organizations. Before joining one of the movements, they do some comparison and cursory enquiry about the movements and their leader/s, little realizing that each one of them neither advocates Islaam in its entirety nor intends to do so. Each organization will stress excessively on some aspects while neglecting some other. Some will champion an innovation, while another will have a hidden agenda.
Out of some such movements, The Tableeghi movement is extensively analysed
in the following pages, because millions of our brothers are actively attached
to it, spending their valuable time and wealth in promoting its work and
they sincerely believe the work to be good and true.