Gems from the other elders of Tableegh Jamaa'ath :
        Mohd. Yusuf Sahib : Success through pauperism.
        Mohd. Umar Palanpuri : Blasphemy.

Mohd. Yusuf Sahib : A blueprint for pauperism.


" In the ten years of stay in holy Madinah, (he) despatched one hundred and fifty jamaa'aths (groups), out of which in twenty-five journeys he himself participated. In some, ten thousand men went out, in some fifty thousand went out, in some thirty or forty thousand went out, in some three hundred and thirteen went out, in some ten, in some fifteen, in some seven or eight. Counting by duration, two months were spent in some, three months in some, twenty days in some and in some fifteen days were spent. He sent out the remaining one hundred and twentyfive groups ; even in these, a thousand went out, five hundred and six hundred - more and less - all types kept going out. Even the duration - six months, four months - all kinds of time were spent. " 



in an average, each person spent six to seven months in a year, outside. Persons started their businesses together and looked after their businesses and religious affairs by turns ; so that while one person looks after the business, the other person spends his time in the service of the religion. This way local muslims were available in the mosque round-the-clock. Anytime a group arrives from outside, people were available to take care of them. Sometimes a ta'leem session is going on, so the incoming persons are seated in it. If prayer is in progress, they are included in it. If zikr session is going on, they are joined to it. 



Now you can estimate, six or seven months spent outside, two or two and a half months spent in the service in the mosques, now how much time is left for worldly needs? The sources of income became worse than in normal times and the expenses grew manifold. The expenses of transport and movements outside, one's own expenses and the expenses of the household. The expenditure on those who came from outside Madina. Expenditure on the poor people of Madinah who go outside ; on their travel, conveyance, clothing and food. If well-to-do people came from outside, dine them too. Then people from the drought-hit areas came to Madina, they too had to be helped. 

As a result, while outside or while at home, they had to bear starvation. They had to bear cold and they had to bear heat. All kinds of difficulties they had to undergo. So when the people working for faith gave preference to the demands of the faith over the demands of the home and earning, then Allaah was pleased with the scheme of things and he admitted the Arab nations in Islaam.



"Now think over it, how much difference is there between the efforts of these days and those efforts. Think those efforts as the real one and deem our efforts as initial efforts. And we have to become as people doing those kinds of efforts, as those putting on their whole lives." 



" Deen will not spread through wealth. On the other hand, deen will spread through the sacrifices of bearing the losses and the shortages in earning that will occur as a result of making efforts for deen. And when these sacrifices will reach the peak, then the nations which are flying in the skies and not even looking at us poor people, will get the guidance through you. And those muslims who are not willing to listen to Islaam's voice in any department of life, will conform to all commands of Islaam in all their affairs. "


Mohd. Umar Palanpuri


The work of da'wath : From where to where ? 

My friends ! The call emanated from India and reached till where? Madina is thousands of miles away from India. Hundreds of years after the demise of the messenger of Allaah, peace upon him, the work was started on that pattern. But when the call emanated, it echoed in the whole world. Allaah is the doer. The messenger of Allaah told the people in his days to go in the path of Allaah ; and when you come back and you could not meet me, then you take forward my work. Hence, the people did like that. 

So the voice of Hazrath Younus (peace upon him), it reached the skies. The angels heard it. They said to Allaah : Oh Allaah ! This voice, it is familiar. But the place from where it comes, it is unfamiliar. The voice is coming from such a place which is unfamiliar. 

So Allaah said that My servant Younus is in the stomach of a fish. So the angels in the skies started to pray for Hazrath Yousuf (peace upon him).  Such works due to which the angels will pray for you, too. 

Now, if you say, I will tell you a method by which the angels in the skies will pray for you too :- 

The noble prophet has said in a Hadeeth that those who teach good things to people, Allaah, the exalted, sends down his blessings on them and the angels pray for them.  

The ta'leem sessions which you hold, and Sura Fathiha which you teach one another, so by this teaching of Sura Fathiha and teaching of small suras, the angels in the skies pray for you. Like they did for Hazrath Younus, peace upon him. What a great thing. Your entire journey got paid for by listening to this hadeeth. 

And this is such a thing that when you go in jamaa'ath, you can do this work and when you go home too, you can sit with the family and teach them any sura. You can teach them namaaz and things that are recited in namaaz. Then the prayers of the angels will be with you in all the places. And whoever gets the prayers of the angels, he is through (i.e., he has succeeded). 


The vision of the prophet in a dream. 

" The eldest son of Umar sahib, Mohamed Younus sahib, says that his father has often seen the prophet (peace upon him) in his dreams. Once in 1977, he saw him in his dream in Makkah. The prophet said : Omer! open your mouth. Therefore, he opened his mouth. The prophet started to spit, until the saliva started to come out of the mouth. The prophet said : The stomach got filled ? He replied : Yes! The stomach is filled. 

(When he) became ill, he saw the prophet in the dream, saying: Omer ! I have come on foot from Madina to enquire your health. 



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