Turning away from Qur-aan
Our brothers in the Tableegh Jamaa'ath, are kept so busy with their set of activities, as we have already seen in detail, that they really get no time to study Qur-aan. Some of them might find some time to recite Qur-aan but not study or ponder over it. They are thus indirectly restrained from studying Qur-aan.
Instead, their routine includes reading the book called "Fazaail-e-A'amaal", a book written by one of the Jamaa'ath's elders, Mohamed Zackariya. It is a voluminous book divided into several chapters. One of the chapters is entitled "Fazaail-e-Qur-aan" (Virtues of Qur-aan) which is also read when its turn comes. Generally, the members would have read or heard more of this chapter: "Virtues of Qur-aan", rather than Qur-aan itself. In most of the mosques, where there are members of Tableegh Jamaa'ath, this book is read daily, after prayers.
Allaah commands : "Recite what is revealed unto you of the
book by inspiration, and establish prayer.." (29:45 part) But
our brothers are made to read after prayers, a book that is not a revealed.
In this way, they are made to violate a command of Allaah.
This book, besides containing information relating to the virtues of the various good deeds (with quotations from Qur-aan and hadith), happenings to the companions of the prophet, sayings and narrations relating to elders of later date, also contains sayings attributed to the prophet and sayings and opinions of the elders and sufiyas which are contrary to the teachings of Qur-aan.
I give below some examples of the teachings contrary to Qur-aanic teachings, appearing in the above book.
In Chapter two of Fazail-e-Haj, the following hadith is mentioned (Hadith
No.2), with the note added by the author, Mohamed Zakariya.
Let me quote from Qur-aan:
(3: 96 & 97) : " The first House (of worship) appointed for mankind was that at Makkah ; full of blessing and of guidance for all peoples : In it are Signs manifest; the Station of Abraham ; whoever enters it attains security. Pilgrimage thereto is a duty men owe to Allah, those who can afford the journey. As for him who rejects, Allah is independent of (all) creatures."
Instead of listening to what Allaah says, Mohamed Zakariya thought it fit to take the words of ulama (the learned ones). Allah says that if somebody can afford the journey, he must go there; it is a duty. As for him who rejects this command, by not going there, Allaah is independent (of him, as He is) of all His creatures. But the ulama say that to be called a Kaafir, a disbeliever, he also has to orally deny the Haj. Allaah has used the word "Kafara" (meaning: he rejected) in connection with his action, (or rather his inaction), and not with regards to his words.
The following story is mentioned in Fazaail-e-Hajj Chapter 9, Serial
number 61 :
" Story No. 35
Abu Muhammad Ash’baily RA. says: ‘Once a man from Granada became so seriously ill that doctors gave up all hope for him. The Vazir, Abu Abdullah Muhammad RA. wrote a letter addressed to Rasulullah (pbuh) which he gave to the haajis to be read at the grave of Rasulullah (pbuh). In it he also wrote a few lines of poetry which are mentioned in Wafaa. In the letter he wrote a prayer asking for the return of good health of the sick one. The caravan reached Madina where the letter was read before the grave. The moment the letter was read, the sick person was healed. When the reader returned from haj and met his former sick brother he was surprised to see him in such excellent health as if he had never been ill at all. (Wafaa)' . " |
This chapter on the 'virtues of Haj' is read during the Haj season. This will create a desire in persons proceeding to Haj and having sick relatives to get a letter from some elders to be read on the grave of the prophet (pbuh). Anyone prays to Allaah from anywhere and He will listen to him. What does it mean to say that a Vazir (minister) wrote a prayer (it is not mentioned to whom it was addressed : to Allaah or the prophet) and then the letter was read before the grave of the prophet (pbuh).
In the grave of Nizamuddin Wali in Delhi, which is right in front of Tableegh Jamaa'ath's head-quarters, we can see hordes of people thronging the grave everyday, doing all kinds of innovation and shirk acts, supplicating to the late saint. You may wonder, as to how so much of innovation is going on right in front of the 'markaz' of the Jamaa'ath for the last sixty years, whereas this Jamaa'ath is supposed to be doing " forbidding of the evil ". From the above example from the book, we come to know that : not only they do not want to prevent the evil, but they want to promote such things right upto the grave of the prophet (peace be upon him).
Story No. 14 in the same chapter:
" It is related that when the father of Sayyad Nuruddin Ayjee Shareef Afeefuddin RA visited Madina he read the salutation in front of the grave of Rasulullah (pbuh). When he said "Assalamu alaika ay-yuhan-nabiyu wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuh," he and all those present with him heard a voice from the direction of the grave answering : "Wa alaykas salaam, O my son." " |
Allaah says: " nor has He made your adopted sons your sons.
Such is (only) your speech by your mouths. But Allah tells the Truth, and
He shows the (right) Way.Call them by (the names of) their fathers: that
is more equitable in the sight of Allah." (Qur-aan
33: 4 and 5 part).
When Allaah says that even the adopted sons are not your sons, will the
messenger of Allaah call somebody else as "O my son"?.
Allaah has also told us in verse 33:40 that prophet Muhammad was not father
to anyone from the men among you.
Hadith No. 14 under "Fazail-e-Zikr" (virtues of remembrance)
" Rasaoolullah (peace be upon him) said: "One who is too weak to bear the strain of keeping awake at night (in the worship of Almighty Allah), is too miserly to spend his wealth in the path of Allah, and is too cowardly to take part in Jihaad, is advised to remain engaged in the zikr of Allah. " |
This quotation is to set remembrance of Allaah as a substitute
for nightly worship, spending wealth in the path of Allaah and taking part
in Jihaad (struggle) in the path of Allaah.
Allaah warns in Qur-aan 31:6. " And there are among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge, to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the path) : for such there will be a humiliating penalty."
In the chapter entitled: "Steadfastness in the face of hardships",
the beginning words of this first chapter of the first volume of "Fazail-e-A'mal"
" It is really very hard for the Muslims of to-day to imagine, and much less to endure and even attempt to endure, the hardships that were borne by the Prophet (peace be upon him) and his illustrious companions in the path of Allah. " |
Lest the members become serious and attempt to follow the example of the prophet (pbuh) or his companions, they are dissuaded at the outset of the book, not to harbour any such noble thoughts.
Let our brothers know that salvation from hell-fire is not easy. Allaah
says in the Qur-aan :
(2:214) : " Or think you that you will enter paradise while yet there has not come to you the like of those who passed away before you ? Affliction and adversity befell them and they were shaken, till the messenger (of Allah) and those who believed along with him, said : When (will come) the help of Allah ? Verily, the help of Allah is near. "
Thus, the book which the brothers are made to read twice a day when
at home and 2 to 3 hours a day while on expedition, contains such matter
which on the pretext of teaching them good actions dissuades them from
good actions. This mixing of good with bad is prohibited specifically by
Allaah through Qur-aanic verse: 2:42 :
"And do not confound the truth with the falsehood, nor you conceal the truth, when you know." (2:42)
The examples quoted above constitute the following types of anti-deen, anti-Islamic activity:
I have quoted above a few examples verbatim. But, however, the Fazail
books contains hundreds of other writings which very subtly tries to put
the brothers away from the path of Allaah. In order to let you know the
nature of such matter, I give below the summary of a random selection from
the "Fazail" books, to avoid wasting your time and my time in
the detailed study of falsehood.
What is the purpose of promising such highly exaggerated rewards for virtuous deeds ? It is simply to lower the guard of our brothers. The purpose of going forth to learn deen is stated by Allaah: so that they may become cautious. But here the attempt is to make them careless.
The main intention behind writing it and making the brothers read it, is to establish a substitute for Qur-aan, as the book to be read.
I earnestly request brothers to carefully study the following verses
and in case the things mentioned by Allaah applies to them, then withdraw
quickly from the wrong actions:
Isn't it true that the eyes of the brothers engaged in Tableegh Jamaa'ath are on a veil, hoodwinked from reading the Reminder, Qur-aan. (A veil is a thing which hinders the sight of the thing it covers.) This book, therefore, comes in between the eyes of our brothers and Qur-aan; nor they could afford to hear Qur-aan, because the time they could spare is usurped by another book : "Fazail - e - A'mal."
On the Qiyaamah day, no excuses of having been misled by the elders,
will be accepted. I will mention the supporting verse from Qur'aan,
in another article.