Aayaathullaah, The Signs of Allaah, and their supreme importance.
The Qur-aan provides evidences to prove the existence of Allaah, the
one and the only God. In Qur-aan, Allaah states that Qur-aan could not
have been invented by (anyone) other than Allaah. Thus, the Qur-aan itself
is a Sign of Allaah. Its verses are collectively called Aayaathullaah :
the Signs of Allaah or Kitaabullaah : the Book of Allaah.
There are dozens of verses in Qur-aan, by studying which we come to
know the supreme importance of the Signs of Allaah or Aayathullaah. A collection
of such verses are quoted in this chapter and in the following chapters.
The sum of this study is that whosoever ignores or belittles or rejects
the Aayaathullaah or the verses of Qur-aan and, instead, follows the desires
of himself or other person/s, the consequences for him would be dreadful.
The following three verses narrate the story of a person on whom Allaah
bestowed His signs, but he followed his own desires and gave importance
to his worldly affairs, becoming like a dog, degraded.
" Recite unto them the tale of the man to whom We gave Our
Signs, but he passed them by: so Satan followed him up, and he became
of those who went astray." (7:175)
" And had We willed, We could have elevated him with Our Signs;
but he clung to the earth, and followed his own desires. His similitude
is that of a dog: if you attack him, he droops out his tongue, or if you
leave him alone, he (still) droops out his tongue. That is the similitude
of those who reject Our Signs; so relate the story; possibly they may reflect.
" (7:176)
" Evil as an example are people who reject Our Signs and
wrong their own souls." (7:177)
The following six verses of Surah Al-Jaathiyah, warn sternly of sorrow,
grievous penalty, tremendous penalty, humiliating penalty and a painful
doom of wrath for those who listen to the verses of Qur-aan and continue
in pride, heedlessly.The last verse asserts about Qur-aan: "This
is guidance", to the exclusion of everything else.
"These are the Signs of Allaah (Aayaathullaah), which We recite
unto you (Muhammad) with truth. Then in what fact will they believe,
after (rejecting) Allaah and His Signs (Aaayaathihee)?" (45:6)
(Translation note: In what fact : Arabic
word for fact in the verse: Hadeeth)
" Woe unto each sinful liar, who hears the signs of Allaah
(Aayaathillaah) recited unto him, and then continues in pride, as though
he heard them not. Give him news of a grievous penalty." (45:7&8) |
"And when he knows something of Our revelations (Aayaathina),
he makes it a jest (joke). For such there is a humiliating penalty.
Beyond them there is hell, and that which they have earned will avail them
nothing, nor protectors they have taken to themselves beside Allaah. Theirs
will be a tremendous Penalty." 45: 9 & 10 |
"This is guidance. And those who
disbelieve the revelations of their Lord (Aayaathi Rabbihim), for them
there is a painful doom of wrath." 45:11 |
Another verse of the same surah extolls the virtues of Qur-aan:
"These are clear evidences for mankind, and a Guidance and
Mercy for a people of assured Faith." 45:20
The following verse records the reaction of the non-believers to the
verses of Qur-aan.

"And when Our clear revelations (aayaathuna) are recited unto
them their only argument is that they say: Bring (back) our forefathers,
if you are truthful." 45:25
The following verse informs that on the judgment day, Each nation
will be called towards its book:
" And you will see each nation crouching, each nation summoned
to its book. (And it will be said unto them): This day you are requited
what you used to do." 45:28
The following two verses of surah ash-shoora inform that the same religion
was commended unto the previous nations and that they were told to establish
the religion and be not divided. Later they got divided and, in spite of
inheriting the book, they are in hopeless doubt concerning it.
42:13."The same religion has He ordained for you as that which
He commended unto Nooh - that which We have inspired in you (O Muhammad)
- and that which We commended unto Ibraaheem and Moosa and Eesaa : saying:
Establish the religion, and be not divided therein. To those who
worship other things than Allaah, hard is the (way) to which you call them.
Allaah chooses to Himself whom He will, and guides to Himself him who turns
(toward Him)."
42:14 "And they were not divided until after the knowledge
came unto them, through rivalry among themselves; and had it not been for
a Word that had already gone forth from your Lord for an appointed term,
it surely had been judged between them. And those who were made to inherit
the Scripture after them are verily in hopeless doubt concerning it."
In the later verse, as a means of rectifying the situation, our prophet
is being commanded:
- " Unto this, then, summon (O Muhammad).
- And be you upright as you are commanded, and follow not their
- but say: I believe in whatever scripture Allaah has sent down,
and I am commanded to be just among you.
- Allaah is our Lord and your Lord.
- Unto us our works and unto you your works; no argument between us
and you.
- Allaah will bring us together, and unto Him is the journeying."
The following verses of surah az-zumar describe the plight of those
who rejected the signs of Allaah.
39:54 "Turn unto your Lord (repentant),
and surrender unto Him, before the Penalty comes on you, then you cannot
be helped.
39:55 "And follow the Best of (the
courses) revealed to you from your Lord, before the Penalty comes
on you - of a sudden while you perceive not! -
39:56 " Lest any soul should say: Alas,
my grief that I neglected (my duty) towards Allaah, and I was indeed
among the scoffers!
39:57 " Or should say: If Allaah had but
guided me I should have been among the dutiful!
39:58 " Or should say, when it sees the
Penalty : 'If only I had another chance that I might be among the righteous!
39:59 " (The reply will be:) Nay, for
My revelations came unto you, but you did deny them and was scornful
and was among the disbelievers.
39:60 " And on the Day of Judgment you
(Muhammad) see those who lied concerning Allaah with their faces blackened;
Is there not in Hell an abode for the arrogant ?
39:61 " But Allaah will deliver the cautious
to their place of salvation: no evil shall touch them, nor shall they grieve.
39:62 " Allaah is Creator of all things,
and He is Guardian over all things.
39:63 " To Him belong the keys of the
heavens and the earth: and those who reject the Signs of Allaah, it
is they who will be in loss."
39:64 " Say: Is it (someone) other
than Allaah that you order me to worship (serve), O you ignorant
39:65 "And verily it has been revealed
unto you as unto those before you, (saying): If you ascribe a partner to
Allaah, your work will fail and you indeed will be among the losers."
39:66 " (No), but Allaah must you serve,
and be among the thankful."
39:67 "And they esteem not Allaah, such
as is due to Him; on the Day of Judgment the whole of the earth will be
but His handful, and the heavens will be rolled in His right hand. Glorified
is He and High Exalted from all that they ascribe as partner (unto Him)."
39:68 " And the trumpet is blown, and
all who are in the heavens and all who are in the earth swoon away, except
him whom Allaah wills. Then it is blown a second time, and behold them
standing waiting!"
39:69 "And the earth shines with the light
of her Lord, and the book is set up, and the prophets and the witnesses
are brought, and it is judged between them with truth, and they are not
39:70 "And each soul is paid in full for
what it did. And He is Best Aware of what they do."
39:71 " And those who disbelieve are driven
unto hell in troops, till, when they reach it and the gates thereof are
opened, and the warders thereof say unto them: Did not messengers come
to you from among yourselves, reciting unto you the revelations of your
Lord and warning you of the meeting of this your Day? They say: Yes,
verily. But the Decree of Punishment of disbelievers is fulfilled."
When the kuffaar, those who rejected the signs of Allaah, reach their
end-point they are enquired by the gate-keepers of the hell: Did not
messengers come to you from among yourselves, reciting unto you
the revelations of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this
your Day?
The first two verses of Surah az-zumar tell our prophet (peace upon
him) that Allaah has revealed the Book unto him with the truth; so worship
(serve) Allaah, making religion pure for Him. Serving or worshipping
Allaah not only means standing towards the Qiblah and praying to Him, but
to obey all that He says in His book which He has revealed with truth,
(and which we also hear in the prayer), thus becoming His true servant.
"The revelation of the Book is from Allaah, the Mighty, the
Wise." (39:1)
"Indeed We have revealed the Book unto you with the truth;
so worship (serve) Allaah, making religion pure for Him (only). "
" Surely to Allaah (belongs) devotion, purely ;
And those who choose protectors beside Him (say): 'We worship /
serve them only that they may bring us near unto Allaah' .
Indeed Allaah will judge between them concerning that wherein they
Surely Allaah guides not him who is a liar, an ingrate."
There are two hindrances for the kuffaar, of their own making,
which prevent them from accepting the guidance brought by the messengers
of Allaah :
1. They will not accept that which they once rejected before.
2. The pride keeps them involved in sin.

" Such were the towns whose story We (thus) relate unto you
: there came indeed to them their Messengers with Clear (Signs): but they
would not believe what they had rejected before. Thus does Allaah seal
up the hearts of those who reject Faith." (7:101)
" And when it is said unto him: 'Fear Allaah', pride takes him
to sin. Enough for him is hell , an evil resting-place." 2:206