Thoughts about our divisions and groups.
On reading my articles people say different things
about me: "He looks like he is a salafee!", "He must be
an ahl-e-Qur-aan member! ", "He definitely has joined hands with
Shias!", etc. I wonder why it never strikes to any of them that: I
must be a Muslim, which is what I am.
Confront your elders on the disunity in the Ummah.
What is the program they have to eliminate it. Or, is the program they
are promoting designed to or has the potential to achieve the unity in
" If they had observed the Towrah and the Injeel and that which was revealed unto them from their Lord, they would surely have eaten from above them and from beneath their feet. Among them there are people who are moderate, but many of them are of evil conduct." (5:66)
Does our present position of slavery, subservience and poverty (lasting since several centuries) suggest that we are following what was revealed unto us?
Ask the leader of your group:
Are the 'aalims of Deoband Ahl-us-sunnah?
On a Haj trip, a cleric (an 'aalim) showed me an Urdu translation of
an Arabic book, which was given to him by an Indian resident in Makkah.
The cleric, in turn, gave it to me to read it while I am in Makkah. The
title of the book is: meaning
: "Are the 'aalims of Deoband Ahl-us-sunnah? ". The cleric
told me that he had read the original in Arabic many years ago, and that
till today none of our 'aalims (meaning, the religiously learned
men of Deoband) have been able to give a reply to the questions raised
in that book. I read only a few pages of the book and did not want
to go deep into another worthless fight. However, the title of the book
itself and the few words said by the cleric were of significance to me,
for the reason given below:
But here is an 'aalim of another sect of sunnis (I do not know whether he is a wahabi or a salafi or whether both mean the same), has quoted extensively from the the books of the senior 'aalims of old times, for whom the 'aalims of Deoband hold deep reverence. The cleric who gave me the book himself is a senior 'aalim (of the Deoband breed) and he admits that in so many years none of their 'aalims have been able to reply to the book. That means the author of the book has been able to successfully prove that the 'aalims of Deoband are not fit to be called Ahl-us-sunnah, the major and, according to them, the only 'pure' sect in Islaam. . It is of no importance to me, if the author had proved that the followers of the 'Deoband' school of thought are not Ahl-us-sunnah. But can he say that his belonging to a division, whether Ahl-us-sunnah or another, makes him a good Muslim?