Messenger's words.
Do not accuse those emphasizing on Qur-aan as those neglecting the prophet's sayings,(peace upon him), (by which you mean the ahadeeth, or the sayings, attributed to him.) The Qur-aan - we can be sure - is something which the prophet uttered from his mouth and certified by Allaah to be so. See two identical verses: 69:40 and 81:19
" It indeed is the speech of an honoured messenger." 69:40 & 81:19
The speech is not of his own will but it (the Qur-aan) is through inspiration (wahee).
" Nor does he speak of (his own) desire. It is nothing other than an inspiration that is inspired." 53:3 & 53:4
The ahadeeth, the sayings attributed to the prophet, on the contrary, are the sayings of other people who claim that the prophet said so.
Qur-aan : The detailed book.
Our enemies knew that the details given in Qur-aan cannot be erased or hidden, as they did with the books given to them, because Allaah has taken upon Himself the responsibility of protecting it. The only way for them to call it Non-detailed is to invent falsehood, attribute it to the prophet, make it mandatory and then say that the Qur-aan doesn't contain all details.
Those who do not believe that the book is detailed or take others to be their directors in life are bound to be vacillating and wavering. " Those unto whom We gave the Scripture know that it is revealed from your Lord in truth. So be not you of the waverers."
Donkey carrying books.
" The example of those who were entrusted with the Towrah, yet do not undertake its burden, is like the example of a donkey carrying books. Evil is the example of the people who falsify the Signs of Allaah: and Allaah guides not the wrongdoing folk." 62:5
It is a well-known fact that if someone hides a truth, he has to invent a dozen lies to cover it up. He has to invent a hundred more lies to cover up the flaws in the dozen lies he first invented.
In the "bayaan" sessions of the Tableegh Jamaa'ath, this statement is often repeated : "As long as there is even one person saying 'Allaah, Allaah' in the earth, Allaah will run the whole universe".
Quoting the above statement of the Jamaa'ath, I asked a learned man : "Isn't it predicted that in the last period before qiyaamah (the doom's day), everyone will accept Islaam? When everybody becomes a muslim, how will the judgement day be established if Allaah were to run the world till there exists even one person taking the name of Allaah?" The 'aalim replied : "In the last days before the judgement day, a chilly wind will blow from the east and all the believers will die. Then the judgement day will be established."
Although the above reply could be disputed quoting several verses of Qur-aan, I kept quiet because he will again counter with more ahaadeeth. I knew that the main purpose of repeating their statement, session after session, is to deny that judgement day will ever be established, and, secondly, to deny that the judgement day is an appointed and predetermined day.
Please see two identical verses (15:38 & 38:81) "Until
the day of the appointed (fixed) time .", which confirm that the
time of the day is known.
Thus, we can see that the denial of one book's contents has landed us in an ocean of books that strive hard to manipulate the evil arising out of the first sin. On a visit to the book-shops near the Ummul Qura university in Makkah, I was astonished to see the great number of books that are supposedly required to lead the ummah into the 'right path'. There are several volumes for each of the books, that open your heart (sharah sadar) to the 'saheeh' books, which are in turn supposed to open your heart to Qur-aan.
( 17 Volumes of 'Fathul Baari' to explain the 'Saheeh' Bukhari )
One of my relatives gleefully showed me a set of two CDs containing Hadeeth books and said : "These CDs contain more than a thousand hadeeth books." Note well : Not a thousand ahaadeeth but a thousand hadeeth books .
Allaah has truly said : " The example of those who were entrusted with the Towrah, yet do not undertake its burden, is like the example of a donkey carrying books. Evil is the example of the people who falsify the Signs of Allaah: and Allaah guides not the wrongdoing folk."
Truth vs. the inventions.