The supremacy and sovereignty of Qur-aan.
| Allaah guides with Qur-aan. | The lone source
of legislation. | Allaah expounds the aayaath, the verses of Qur-aan. |
| " Is Qur-aan enough? " | We are
required to believe in Allaah's books. | The Qur-aan contains tafseer.
| Reconciliator of differences : Qur-aan.|
Allaah guides with Qur-aan.
In the verses quoted below, Allaah informs about Qur-aan that He
guides with it, whom He wishes, making it clear that it is
He who guides and that He guides with Qur-aan.
" O People of the Book! there has come to you Our Messenger,
expounding to you much that which you used to hide in the Book, and passing
over much : There has come to you from Allaah a light and a clear Book.
Wherewith Allaah guides him who seeks His good pleasure to
ways of peace and safety, and brings them out of darkness unto the light,
by His decree, and guides them to a Path that is Straight." (5:16)
" This is the Guidance of Allaah, wherewith He guides whom
He will of His bondmen. If they were to join (other gods with Him),
all that they did would be vain for them." (6:88)
" Allaah has sent down the best statement as a Book, consistent,
repeated ; the skins of those who fear their Lord tremble there-at ; then
their skins and their hearts soften to Allaah's reminder. Such is the guidance
of Allaah : He guides therewith whom He pleases, but whom Allaah
leaves to stray, can have none to guide." (39:23)
The lone source of legislation.
When the jews used to says wrong things and inventions alluding those
things to Allaah, the messenger of Allaah was instructed to tell them:
" All food was lawful unto the Children of Israel, except that
which Israel forbade himself, (in days) before the Towrah was revealed.
Say: Produce the Towrah and read it, if you are truthful."
This verse shows that the book of Allaah, given to the respective people
according to their language, that alone is the source of legislation. It
is obvious that on hearing this argument of our prophet - " Produce
the Towrah and read it, if you are truthful ! " - those
people kept quiet. Otherwise, the Qur-aan would have recorded their reply,
and also given a counter-argument, if they had said: " Yes, it
is not there in the Towrah, but it is written in the Hadeeth book of the
best muhaddith of Moosa's sayings, Mr. so-and-so, or our Imam Mr. x,y,z
," etc. No; the argument was won with one challenge: " Produce
the Towrah and read it, if you are truthful ! "
Then Allaah says in the next verse: (3:94)
" Then whosover invents lie concerning Allaah after
that , those are the transgressors. ".
It means that the above example, relating to Bani Israel, is the conclusive
evidence that Allaah's book is the only source of legislation for the (respective)
people. If anybody invents a lie, he has to be stopped, telling him
to produce the Book of Allaah to prove it, if he is truthful. Still, if
anyone persists even after that, those are the transgressors.
Allaah expounds the aayaath, the verses of Qur-aan.
From the following verse, we come to know that the expounding or explaining
of the verses of the Qur-aan is done by Allaah. So we have to look for
the explanations within His words only.

13:1 " Alif Laam Meem Ra. These are the
signs (or verses) of the book: that which has been revealed unto you
from your Lord is the Truth; but most men believe not.
13:2 "Allaah is He Who raised the heavens
without any pillars that you can see; then He established Himself on the
Throne ; He set apart the sun and the moon to be of service; Each one runs
(its course) for a term appointed. He regulates all affairs, explaining
the Signs (verses) in detail, that you may believe with certainty in
the meeting with your Lord."
" Is Qur-aan enough? "
Some people ask: " Is Qur-aan enough? Is everything in it? "
Who are these people? These are the ones which have either not understood
its meaning or, having understood its meaning, hide it from the people.

27:83 "And (remind them of) the Day when
We shall gather out of every nation a multitude of those who denied Our
revelations, and they will be set in array;
27:84 " Till, when they come (before their
Lord), He will say: Did you deny My revelations when you could not compass
them in knowledge, or what was it that you used to do? "
We are required to believe in Allaah's books.

2:285 "The messenger believes in that which has been revealed
unto him from his Lord and (so do) believers. Each one believes in Allaah
and His angels and His books and His messengers - We make no distinction
between any of His messengers - and they say: We hear, and we obey. (Grant
us) Your forgiveness, our Lord. Unto You is the journeying. "
The Qur-aan contains tafseer.
25:33 " And they bring you no similitude but We bring you the
Truth (as against it), and best explanation (Ahsana Tafseera)."
Deviation from the Command of Allaah causes fighting.
" And if two parties of believers fall to fighting, then make
peace between them. And if one party of them transgresses against the other,
then fight you that which transgresses until it complies with the Command
of Allaah; then, if it complies, make peace between them justly, and act
equitably. Lo! Allaah loves the equitable. " (49:9)
In the above verse, there is a solution given in case of a fighting
between two groups of believers. We have been asked to fight the party
which transgresses until it complies with the Command of Allaah. We can
conclude that the fighting took place between them, in the first place,
because one of the parties deviated from the Command of Allaah - Qur-aan.
That is why we are being asked to fight the transgressing party until it
complies with the Command of Allaah.
Reconciliator of differences : Qur-aan.
" By Allaah, We verily sent messengers unto the nations before
you, but the devil made their deeds fairseeming unto them. So he is their
patron (to) this day, and theirs will be a painful penalty. 16:63
" And We have revealed the Book unto you only that you may
explain unto them that wherein they differ, and (as) a guidance
and a mercy for a people who believe." 16:64
Allaah says: " And We have revealed the Book unto you only
that you may explain unto them that wherein they differ ";
such a book, will it not be useful in resolving such matters in which we
differ? Surely, because the verse continues : " and a guidance
and a mercy for a people who believe."